The fundraising campaign launched will support the ongoing and existing projects of Aid4Mada, which, to ensure their continuity, require continuous support and attention. The documentary is just a means, through which Andrea and I will try to shine a spotlight on this reality to bring awareness from a different point of view.


I’m Giorgia Sottana and if you know me already, you know how much Madagascar has changed my life.

At the end of 2022 I joined the Aid4Mada family with the launch of the Play4Mada project. In June 2023 I was in Tulear for the first time, together with the volunteers of the association, to inaugurate our new sports center, where today over 20 young athletes are approaching professional basketball.

In July this year I will return to Madagascar and this time Andrea Pegoraro, a videomaker, photographer and friend of mine will be joining me.

In addition to seeing with my own eyes how the Play4Mada program is evolving, the main objective of my journey will be to create an editorial project that Andrea and I started thinking about a few months ago together with the Aid4Mada staff.

We want to shine a light on the current living conditions in order to create a chance for change, because talking about difficult things opens a window of opportunity for improvement.

In order to do this we will produce a documentary to show how Aid4Mada operates in Madagascar and the impact it is creating for the local population. We will show the life of one child -followed by the association- for a whole day.

The goal is to be able to raise awareness in our society about the situation of extreme poverty in which some communities find themselves. We want to do this by entering in their homes and showing the reality from up close.

The documentary will contain direct interviews with the volunteers and local families with whom we will come in contact with.

Once production is completed, the documentary will be played at festivals, dedicated to social issues, in schools and at events that we will organize together with partner companies. All this to have the possibility of reaching a large and attentive audience, with a particular focus on the younger and more sensitive groups to these issues .

It is a very ambitious and complex project, but Andrea and I will do our utmost to make it happen and you can give your contribution too, by participating in this fundraiser.

Why should you support this project?

First of all, to try to make a difference together with Aid4Mada, helping us to produce professional and modern content that gives the possibility of amplifying visibility and awareness on the difficult situation in which Madagascar finds itself today and on how Aid4Mada’s work is contributing to change the lives of thousands of disadvantaged families.

Second, your contribution will actually be used to support Aid4Mada’s projects alongside the children, families and local communities of Madagascar.

We have also provided several rewards for you:
– €50 donation: personalized thank you certificate
– €100 donation: preview viewing of the documentary
– €200 donation: quote in the credits + preview viewing of the documentary
– €500 donation: €100 voucher for a volunteer trip to Madagascar + quote in the credits + preview of the documentary

We decided to carry out this project because we firmly believe that nowadays there is a strong need to unite, and to understand that helping others is the first step towards a better world.

If you also think like us then this is your opportunity to contribute to the creation of something great, which will generate a concrete positive impact on the lives of many people in difficulty.



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